Thursday, May 14, 2009

Finish Strong!!!

Finish StrongHow Do You Respond to Challenge?

Irving Berlin once said, "Life is 10 percent what you make it and 90 percent how you take it." So, how do you take it? Before you answer the question, we urge you to use the next few moments to watch Finish Strong, an inspirational video with a meaningful message.
Any challenges you face in life will always elicit a response on your part. As Dan Green points out in the book that inspired this month's Simple Truths video, how you respond is completely your choice. His message - ALWAYS choose to finish strong.
Through telling us stories about real people who've overcome some incredible challenges, Green is able to point out a very simple fact. No matter how difficult your life may seem, there is someone who has overcome a greater challenge. The point here is not to draw comfort from their situation, but to find inspiration in how they dealt with it.
When it feels like the game is over, or an opportunity has passed you by, you must remember that the story isn't complete until you respond to the challenge at hand. According to the Greek philosopher, Epictetus, "It's not what happens to you, but how you react that matters."
So, how will you choose to respond to life's challenges? Think carefully because the choice is only yours.
Good luck and remember, always choose to finish strong.
YOU Magazine is pleased to present Finish Strong, a short film produced by Simple Truths, a consumer-direct publisher of motivational books and films. Visit to learn more about this unique company.

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