Friday, May 1, 2009

SCHNEIDER Agent Help Host Local Fear Factor!

SCHNEIDER agent Julie Quinones, recently hosted a fun-filled night under the big top at their AWANA lock in. Boys and girls 3rd - 6th grade are locked in for a night of clowns, gross out games, circus themed food and sleep around 4 am when the movie began-and very grateful adults!
Julie is also co-ordinating a team to assist in the Habitat for Humanity "All Women's" build breaking ground next Friday in St. Peters. Her once small group has gown to about 50. These 50 enthusiastic women (including SCHNEIDER agent Becky Jecha) have been attending the free LOWES seminars weekly to learn the tricks of the trade.

You are invited to view wrccsoundbooth's photo album: Awana 2009 Overnighter

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